Surgical instruments

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Surgical instruments

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Product Name Surgical instruments
Overview and Key Features Collection of surgical instruments made by a specialized Japanese company with expertise in manufacturing medical equipment.


Location of Manufacturing or Production Tokyo, Japan

Photo No Item ID Name Types Sizes
1 01-01-12 Mosquito hemostat forceps with hook Straight and curved head Length of each type (11cm and 12.5cm)
2 01-03-12 Mosquito hemostat forceps Straight and curved head Length of each type (11cm and 12.5cm)
3 01-05-14 Hemostat forceps with hook Straight and curved head Length of each type (14cm and 18cm)
4 01-07-14 Hemostat forceps Straight and curved head Length of each type (14cm and 18cm)
5 01-14 Hemostat forceps with 2-3 claws Straight head Length (20cm)
6 02-01-14 Peeling forceps (Bogen) curved head (Big curve and Small curve) Length of each type (14cm)
7 02-04-18 Peeling forceps curved head (Big curve, Medium curve and Small curve) Length of each type (16cm, 18cm, 20cm, 22cm, 23cm, 24cm and 26cm)
8 02-30-18 Peeling forceps (Vertical stripe) curved head Length(18cm, 22cm, 24cm and 26cm)
9 02-30 Peeling and Ligating forceps L(with Vertical stripe), M(with Vertical stripe), S(with Horizontal stripe) Length(L=21cm, M=16cm, S=16cm)
- - We still have more types We will update the list shortly -

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